Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Our first Christmas in Okinawa has come and gone. It didn't feel quite the same without the cold and snow that we have come accustomed to in Minnesota. We will have to settle for sand instead of snow!

We had to go with a small artificial tree this year. Santa still was able to load us up with presents though, along with a lot of gifts from our families back in the states. Duane's brother decided to give us a 5:30 am wake up call, so we started the day early. Grant was so excited to see all of the presents.

We had brunch at our apartment with a few friends. It made it feel more like Christmas to gather together and enjoy food and fun.

Santa sure did a good job filling up the stockings. Grant and Will love their new "Cars" pajamas that they got from Grandpa and Grandma.

Grant and Will have been playing with their new toys. Will really enjoys his new rocking toy with sounds and lights. Grant has to ride it sometimes with him.

Most of the Japanese people are now wearing hats, mittens and jackets. Grant still doesn't mind stripping down to his diaper and swimming. We do get a few weird looks, but if they only knew how cold it was back home they would understand that this weather is perfect for us.

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