Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Everyday Walk

One Saturday I decided to bring the camera with us on our everyday walk and capture the images we see all the time. Here is what we saw on this particular day. 1. Waves splashing on the rocks along the seawall near our house. Not such big waves on this day but typical or a normal day. 2. This is not something I see everyday. It is a guy fishing while sitting on a chair out in the ocean. We walked past and I thought it was funny.
3. Clear water.

4. What I thought was a photogenic gecko. Then I noticed the tire track and the crispy tail.

5. Beautiful flowers.

6. A spot where people often have their wedding photos taken. It is a beautiful place for wedding photos.

7. Finally we arrive at the beach. This day was early in the season so there were only Americans there. It was funny to see the Americans in speedos and the Japanese in sweaters at the same time and place.

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